Covered California Frequently Asked Questions
What is Covered California?
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, all 50 states were required to create a state-run health insurance exchange or utilize a federally-operated exchange. California opted to create the Covered California Health Insurance Exchange which is simply referred to as “Covered California.” Covered California makes it easy for California individuals and small businesses to comply with the Affordable Care Act by offering high-quality health insurance that is affordable and easy to obtain. Individuals who cannot afford health insurance may be able to qualify for federal assistance through Covered California.
Who can purchase insurance through Covered California?
Residents of California who do not have access to affordable health insurance through either their employer or another government program can purchase insurance through Covered California. Small businesses with up to 50 full-time employees can also purchase insurance through this exchange.
When can I enroll?
Open enrollment has closed for 2016. Open Enrollment for 2017 will begin on November 1, 2016 and end on January 31, 2017. For those who have not enrolled for 2016, you may still be able to enroll if you have had a qualify life event such as losing existing health insurance, getting married, moving, and having or adopting a child.
What health insurance coverage options are available?
You will be able to choose from between two and six private insurance companies depending on where you live. There are four basic levels of coverage available which are classified in tiers including Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Medical expense coverage increases as the value of the metals increase. Platinum plans will cover more of your medical expenses and will usually have the highest monthly payments, but you will pay less when you receive care. Bronze plans will be the least expensive monthly but your costs will be greater when care is needed. You will be able to choose the level of coverage that meets both your needs and budget.
What happens if I decide not to get health insurance?
Most Americans must have health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Those who do not acquire proper insurance may be faced with tax penalties.
Does Covered California offer dental or vision coverage?
Family dental plans are optional through Covered California but vision plans are not offered at this time. In an effort to make vision care more accessible, Covered California contracts with a few vision insurance companies to bring this option to families and individuals, however your vision plan is handled directly by these companies and not Covered California. Every health insurance plan available through Covered California provides vision and dental benefits for Children.
What is Medi-Cal and how can I qualify?
Medi-Cal is free or low-cost health coverage for families or individuals with limited income. Coverage is the same as Covered California health insurance plans and is available to many people including adults, children, seniors, persons with disabilities, and pregnant women. When you apply for coverage through Covered California, your application will automatically be used to determine if you qualify for Medi-Cal.